From Defeat To Victory: Transforming Setbacks Into Opportunities

Tim Parkins
3 min readFeb 28, 2023

Several days ago, I was following my usual morning routine, which includes guided meditation using the Headspace app. The app has a section called ‘The Wake Up’, where there is often an inspirational video shared. On this day, the video was of Blake Leeper, who is a United States Paralympic athlete, eight-time Paralympic Track and Field international medalist, world record holder and three-time American record holder.

His story really resonated with me, especially the quote below;

“My adversity is my strength.”

That phrase really caught my attention, and it is what inspired this article.

If you are doing work that is meaningful, setbacks are inevitable. In fact, if you aren’t encountering failures and challenges, you need to consider if you have stagnated in your life and career. Encountering setbacks is a normal part of stepping outside of your comfort zone and becoming the next best version of yourself.

It’s easy to become discouraged when facing a setback. But it’s important to remember that setbacks can offer us the opportunity to grow and to learn. I know, easier said than done…

The story that you tell yourself when encountering a failure matters.



Tim Parkins

Career Coach & Work Architect. I help successful but unhappy professionals craft a working life that works for them.